söndag 26 april 2009

3 friends alias Gentle Giant

Musikens Hus 25 april 2009, ett fantastiskt gig!

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Ja, det var det verkligen, överträffade faktiskt med råge mina förväntningar. Vilka musiker och vilken musik!!

// Masken

Drake sa...

har faktiskt aldrig lyssnat på Gentle Giant, mer än en och annan låt.

Anonym sa...

Hey Rustan.

Scaley here. One of my favourite bands from the 70's. You are lucky to see them. Now I must see if they will play in England. They must, although I know you guys in Sweden appreciate these old bands from Gullinnar Tider more than we do. And that's sad. I have a recording of them from the radio I made in the 70's. I will make a dvd for you.AND I knew Maskan would be there!

See you soon mate.
